Licensing Process
PHC has well defined and transparent process and for licensing of HCEs which is initiated when the owner, manager or person in-charge of a HCE registers with the Commission. The next step involves the submission of an application for a license accompanied by prescribed documents and fee. On submission of this application HCE is issued a provisional license and the requisite MSDS. HCEs are then invited to nominate staff for training on MSDS, intended to facilitate HCE staff in the implementation of standards. After allowing HCEs a reasonable period of time to ensure implementation, a pre-assessment is carried out, where PHC surveyors further assist HCE staff in identifying and eliminating lacunae in MSDS implementation. A formal inspection assessing the HCE’s eligibility for a regular license constitutes the final step in the licensing process, where a HCE is deemed eligible upon demonstration of desired compliance levels to the MSDS.