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Clinical Governance
Clinical Governance is a framework through which organizations are accountable for continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish (Donaldson & Scaly)
Introduction to Clinical Governance
The PHC Directorate of Clinical Governance and Organizational Standards is responsible for developing standards for all types of Healthcare Establishments (HCEs). This includes Hospitals, diagnostic centres, medical clinics, nursing homes, maternity homes, dental clinics, Homeopathic clinics, Tibbi clinics acupuncture, physiotherapy clinics or any other premises or conveyance wholly and partly used for providing healthcare services; and those declared by the Government as a healthcare establishment. The level of standards ranges from minimum to that of accreditation, keeping in view the local context and the ground realities.

The Directorate is also responsible for developing the related Reference Materials covering guidelines to facilitate successful implementation of these standards by the HCEs. In addition, the Guidance Material and Tools to facilitate the Surveyors/ Inspectors for assessment of implementation level of the standards are developed to facilitate decision making at PHC for issuing the license and/or provide advice to the HCEs to improve in case of non-compliance and low scoring.

To respond to the capacity needs of the stakeholders, the PHC management has adopted a facilitative role. Accordingly, the Directorate of CG&OS conducts orientation sessions to enable healthcare service providers to understand and implement the MSDS.

The Directorate of CG&OS is also tasked to train the experts from the medical fraternity, both Public and Private, as Surveyors/Inspectors using the surveyor guide for the formation of Assessment Teams to conduct inspections of the HCEs
Introduction to Clinical Governance
MSDS Development Process
Best Practices
Fast Facts
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