Inordinate delay in provision of medical care; |
Failure to take informed consent; |
Failure to maintain adequate services for clinical management including but not limited to, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow up; |
Undertaking the management of a patient without the availability of requisite competence, human resource, equipment or other facilities related thereto, Inadequate clinical assessment and/or diagnosis; |
Failure to keep, maintain or secure record including medical record, in accordance with the Standards (MSDS) prescribed by the Commission; |
Failure to foresee and take comprehensive precautionary measures against system failures and/or possible mishaps; |
Inappropriate and unjustifiable costs of services or procedures; |
Violation of rights provided in the Charters; |
Inadequate recordkeeping; |
Failure to prevent unnecessary diagnosis and or treatment; |
Failure to install systems to prevent cases of sexual harassment, and or improper conduct, such as unbecoming at the healthcare establishment; |
Failure to release patient records; |
Failure to install systems to prevent substance abuse; |
Billing or documentary fraud; |
Flawed medical condition(s) or qualification(s) of the staff and other members of the Healthcare Establishment, whether rendering healthcare services or not and including but not limited to, those having contractual relationship with the Healthcare Establishment or the Healthcare Service Provider, as the case may be; |
Failure to implement or comply with the Standards; |
Harassment of Healthcare Service Provider or member of the staff of the Healthcare Establishment including but not limited to, verbal, psychological or physical harassment; |
Damage to the reputation of the Healthcare Establishment; Damage to the property of the Healthcare Establishment; |
Quackery; or Sale of drugs without prescription. |