Frequently Asked Questions
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Any person can make a complaint including: |
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- Any aggrieved patient/client
- Next of kin of the patient/client e.g parent or spouse
- Any person duly authorized by the patient/client or his next of kin
- Any aggrieved healthcare service provider
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If you have a sufficient reason to believe that you have not been treated properly, or your rights as a patient have been violated, you may file a complaint.
The Commission is empowered to hear complaints regarding maladministration, malpractice or failure on the part of healthcare service provider or any of his employees there at. The healthcare service providers may also file complaints with the Commission regarding harassment caused to them or damage incurred by them.
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You may complain about any healthcare establishment where the treatment was given to you, for example, the hospital, clinic, diagnostic centre, nursing home, maternity home, dental clinic, homeopathic clinic, Tibb clinic, acupuncture clinic or a physiotherapy clinic.
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The Commission may not entertain a complaint on any of the following reasons: |
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- If a Complaint is not duly signed or does not bear a thumb impression.
- The requisite Affidavit is not submitted by the Complainant
- If the Complaint is anonymous or pseudonymous
- The Complaint is time-barred.
- The subject matter of the Complaint is pending before any other court of competent jurisdiction.
- The subject matter of the Complaint does not fall within the purview of the Act.
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If you have a complaint, you must first inform the concerned healthcare establishment in writing. If your complaint is not duly redressed by the healthcare establishment you may file your complaint to the Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC). However, if the concerned HCE does not have a mechanism to file and handle complaints you may directly approach the Commission.
If you are a healthcare service provider you may file your complaint directly at PHC.
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You must file a written complaint within sixty (60) days from the date on which you came to know about the facts and reasons for lodging your complaint. If it is not filed within this time period, your complaint shall be taken as time-barred and hence shall not be proceeded.
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You can download our Complaint Form , to be filled in by hand or you may also write your complaint on a plain paper and submit it by hand or post it to us with the relevant documents at 38, Abbot Road Lahore- 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex.
Every complaint must be supported by an affidavit, (see sample) bearing your signature or thumb impression, and it should be duly notarized.
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Relevant information and copies of the following documents should also be attached to your written complaint: |
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- Copy of your Computerized National Identity Card or any other document depicting your identity;
- Medical records; if any
- Receipts; if any
- Correspondence with the concerned healthcare establishment, healthcare service provider or other authorities, if any; and
- Other relevant documents in support of the complaint.
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Scanned copies, photocopies and duplicates will be accepted at the time of submission of the complaint. |
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A written complaint should include:
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- Who was involved?
- What happened and when?
- Have you done anything else to address this matter? If yes, give details
- What was the role of the healthcare establishment?
- What is your specific request to the Commission?
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Registration Number is issued to every complaint where after its maintainability is decided. If held maintainable, the complaint is entrusted to a Case Worker or any other Competent Authority of the Commission. The complainant may be called to appear in person for an initial meeting if deemed necessary. The party complained against is directed to file a reply and submit all the necessary record in the matter. Evidence of all the parties is recorded and a chance of cross-examination is also provided.
In case an expert opinion is required, the Commission presents the complaint before highly qualified and experienced experts, without disclosing their identity. All the parties are heard before a decision is arrived at.
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Yes, if deemed necessary by the Commission, you may have to appear in person at any stage. The Commission has the powers to summon any person for hearing and recording of evidence. It may also take assistance of executive authorities and law enforcement agencies in this regard.
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The Commission may only adjourn any proceedings or hearing of complaint if it is in the interest of justice. However, a party may be proceeded against ex-parte if it is seeking adjournment in order to apply delaying tactics.
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The Commission informs all the parties about the progress of the matter and the copy of the final decision is also communicated to them.
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It does not cost to file a complaint at the PHC.
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The Commission is committed to decide the complaints at the earliest. However, the time within which a case is decided, really depends upon the facts and circumstances of that particular case.
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If you are a healthcare service provider and the matter has been decided against you, then you may have a right of Appeal before the Honorable District and Session Court.
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The Commission is required to provide your name and nature of your complaint to the healthcare establishment against which a complaint is made. However, when any complaint is pending before the Commission it shall be the duty of all the persons involved to keep the information confidential.
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The Commission may impose a penalty in the form of a fine, which may be upto RS. 200,000/- if the complaint is proved to be false i.e made to harass, defame or embarrass the other party.
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The Commission may grant withdrawal of a complaint if there is no obvious proof of mal-administration, mal-practice, negligence etc. on part of the party complained against.
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You can call at our Toll Free Helpline: 0800-00742 or email us at for further queries.
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